Since 1994, The Industrial Development Authority Western Province is dedicated for working with a network of public, private and civil society institutions on developing economic growth and employment of the Western Province. IDA identifies, analyse industries and economic sectors of local products with the potential to develop, encourage, educate and support micro, small and medium sectors of industries to add value to their productions.
The project commenced when the problems were identified with the documentation process. All these times IDA has stored data of the industrialist in a file-based manual system which is a less effective way of storing data at present. Therefore they wanted to computerise this system where the details of the industrialist could have been stored in an efficient and safe way. The main requirement of the client was to develop a system to input the data collected from the industrialist regarding their ongoing businesses, abandon sites and inhabited buildings,sick industries and about machinery so that IDA can aid them with appropriate solutions and analyse this data to generate reports and charts which shows graphical representation of the data that have been stored regarding industries.
One of the main challenges was segregating the previously stored data into one format and aligning them into categories where they should be placed in. We had to develop a system which makes a path to connect the industrialists with the IDA staff covering all the requirements of the project. The system developed must be user friendly for the industrialist and the staff because there is a variety of users from different backgrounds.
An information gathering system was developed for the client using Laravel PHP Framework, MySQL and Anjular JS appropriately to fulfil the requirements by solving the issues of the client so that they could input the data of the industries and industrialist.